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武笠 隆

Takashi Mukasa

"A bodyworker who tunes the body and mind to release the radiance of the spirit"
Takashi Mukasa
Seitai, Healing Therapy, Life Coaching
Therapist for 10 years, former biotechnology researcher
I had a series of articles in "Messenger," a life magazine.

I am a therapist for people who are suffering from physical and mental illness, or who are too busy with work and child-rearing to live their lives as they should. I help people regain their health and youth, and help them to exercise their talents in accordance with their birth purpose from various angles, including body, mind, and soul.

My dream is for everyone to realize that they have value and can feel relief and bliss just by existing without doing anything.
With this as the basic premise, I want to create a world where each person can express their true self and circulate with each other.
Everyone should enjoy to the fullest a world that is flat and without boundaries.

To do this, we must first fill ourselves with unconditional love and break down our inner walls.

I used to give seminars and sessions to cancer survivors.
Some of them came to me in despair because they were told at the hospital that they would never get well.
Many of them had unconsciously pushed their feelings into their minds and were sick, so I helped them to release the feelings stored in their subconscious so that they could approach the root of the problem, and the situation turned around for the better.
We have also seen people return to heaven after facing themselves and experiencing a lot of awareness and purification.
There are those who get well but repeat their thinking and behavior patterns and relapse again.

I would like to support not only those who are ill, but also those before they became ill, and all people so that they can shine more radically.

I have come to wish to help not only those who are ill, but also those who were ill before their illness and all people to shine more radically.

I learned how to utilize the power of the universe, which transcends even the conventional laws of cause and effect, and the Hereditary Sutra, and pursued ways to help everyone to live according to their hearts and to express their true selves.

In the process, I began to have more time to feel unconditional bliss and to be able to catch my excitement and act on it immediately. And I began to meet people who felt similarly.

As Bashar and Abraham say, they are all people who are tuning their frequency to the future that already exists, enjoying and attracting abundance.

I want the next generation of children to see mothers and fathers listening to their hearts and enjoying their true selves.
If they do this, their children will be able to show their talents naturally without holding back, and the world will become a place where everyone in the family can enjoy themselves freely.

That is why I want to create such a system.
The purpose of your life and the talents you were born with were actually decided by you before you were born.
You can find that blueprint by looking it up, so the first step is to recognize it.
Then, share it with the people around you at family, school, and work, and support each other.
I will continue to expand the environment in which this becomes the norm.


How I became a life coach and healing therapist
I was raised by kind parents, and until elementary school I was the most outspoken and active soccer player in my class.
However, his life changed drastically when he entered a private junior high school. He felt cramped in an environment that prioritized what he had to do over what he wanted to do, such as school rules and studying for exams.

When I was 15 years old, I lost my mother to cancer after a nearly year-long battle with the disease, and I began to suppress my sorrow and sense of loss without showing it.
I began to impose on myself more and more what was right and what should be done rather than my heart and desires.
As I lived my life suppressing my true self, I became a passive and insecure person, far removed from the person I was as a child.

My mother had given birth to me in the U.S., so I had a longing for the U.S. 
After graduating from college, I moved to San Diego.
There, I gradually regained my sense of self through contact with multicultural people who were all flat and did not need to read the air and were enjoying life to the fullest at their own pace.

Wanting to eliminate the sorrow caused by illness, I engaged in graduate school research on enzymes expressed in cancer cells, and after graduation I worked for six years at a local medical research institute and a biotech company.

I also became passionate about martial arts and won a national karate competition, but I overworked my body so much that I began to suffer from a herniated lumbar disc.

I felt very comfortable in San Diego, but more than that, I missed Japan and my family in Japan, so I returned to Japan in 2011.


At my workplace in Japan, I experienced reverse culture shock from the unfamiliar work and unflattering environment. I continued shadow boxing after returning home to relieve stress, and my hernia returned.
Then, I suddenly visited a chiropractic clinic and overcame that pain.

I wanted to work directly with people and be involved in their health, so I decided to become an osteopath myself.
While examining people's bodies, I felt that the body, mind, and subconscious are all connected, and I began to examine the whole body. I also became aware of invisible energies such as Ki.

In the midst of this, I became involved with people who had recovered from terminal cancer and were doing well, and I began to think about the roots of illness and the nature of recovery. I gradually began to realize various realizations and truths from the commonalities among them.

In a nutshell.
If you are not living your true self, you will get sick.
If you realize this and live your true self again, you will get well.
It is easy to say.

It is easy to say this, but it is difficult for those who do not even know what their true selves are.
To change the thought patterns, habits, and negative beliefs that have seeped into your subconscious mind, it takes a deeper forgiveness of yourself and a serious commitment than you can imagine.

I wanted to share what I had learned, so I have been conducting sessions and seminars for cancer patients and others, and I have two clients who have improved from stage 4.

I want to support those people who are not able to  live authentically by hold themselves back, and who don't know how amazing they are!

Especially those who, like myself in the past, have blamed themselves for the loss of a loved family member.
I have feelings for students who are spending their days without feeling passion because they are too busy with schoolwork and other things they have to do.
And I want mothers who are struggling to raise such adolescents to feel better.
If mothers don't shine as their true selves by putting themselves behind, everyone in the family can't shine.
That is what I am here to support.

Services: - Seitai, Chakra Adjustment, Integrated Healing, Qigong, Genetic Chinese Healing Sutra, Self-Realization Coaching, etc.

The acquired techniques, qualifications:

Integrated Healing / DouinTonou (Body Tuning)
Yin-Yang Integrated Breathing Method (Original Method) / Access Bars / Qigong

Caregiver Beginner Training / Graduated from San Diego State University Graduate School in Biochemistry

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